Prevent and Cure Plant Diseases
100% Natural 100% Non-Toxic 100% User Friendly
Powder Form / Package: 1 kilogram
- Prevents, resists, and cures plant diseases caused by fungi, virus, and bacteria
- Contains silicon compound which strengthens plants in general to help prevent and resist plant diseases better
- Treats other causes such as water locked ground, nematode damage, and insect damage effectively
- Can be used with any kind of plants
Natural Ingredients (Extracts of Methyleneamine)
- Phyto-Methyleneamine with Natural Silicon Compound (Si)
- Aluminosilicate
- EDTA Amine Compound
Usage: To prevent diseases by fungi, virus, and bacteria
- Mix 30 grams of ANTIFUNGUS with 20 liters of water
- Spray on leaves, trunks, stems, and root area every 5-7 days
Usage: To cure diseases by fungi, virus, and bacteria (Minor Case)
- Mix 50 grams of ANTIFUNGUS with 20 liters of water
- Spray on leaves, trunks, stems, and root area every 3 days 3 times
- Follow the Usage: To prevent diseases by fungi, virus, and bacteria
Usage: To cure diseases by fungi, virus, and bacteria (Severe Case)
- Mix 50 grams of ANTIFUNGUS and 50 grams of MULTIPLUS with 20 liters of water
- Drill holes 6 inches deep around the plants (See picture below)
- Spray on leaves, trunks, stems, and root area every 3 days 3 times
- Follow the Usage: To prevent diseases by fungi, virus, and bacteria